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The latest updates from Valley to Peak.

Couple discussing aging in place

April 5, 2024


Blog: "Aging-in-Place: More Than Home Accessibility"


Occupational Therapist Catharine discusses occupational therapy and aging-in-place considerations, beyond home accessibility, for OT365 (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist's national blog). 

January 24, 2024


Calgary Neuropathy Association presents "Occupational Therapy, Neuropathy & You: How to Increase Your Function"


Guest Speaker Occupational Therapist Catharine discusses occupational therapy interventions for neuropathy, including mobility and falls, adaptive equipment, hand therapy, sensory re-education, and more!

September 9, 2020


Pinnacle Group Renovations

"Aging in Place Session 3: Can Your Forever Home Be Both Gorgeous & Automated?"


Guest Speaker Occupational Therapist Catharine explores how home renovations can be both functional, safe, automated with the latest technology, and not look like a medical institute or sci-fi convention! 

August 26, 2020


Pinnacle Group Renovations

"Aging in Place Session 1: Planning Ahead"


Are you wondering where you will end up living out your final years? Would you like to age in place (i.e. in your current home)?


Guest Speaker Occupational Therapist Catharine shares the benefits of consulting an OT when considering remaining at home, and (when possible) how being proactive is better than being reactive when it comes to accessibility and quality of life.

July 22, 2020

"Fashionable Functionality: The Intersection of Home Accessibility & Style"


ARK's premier Speaker Series webinar focusing on designing accessible home renovations with an eye on style, comfort and avoiding that institutional feeling, as well as the benefits of working with an OT. 


Featuring Guest Speaker Occupational Therapist Catharine of Valley to Peak who discusses the advantages of bringing a medical rehabilitative lens to home accessibility projects, as well as the many options for funding and support that may be available. 

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